Keratosis: keratosis is commonly caused on the fair skinned people due to the sun exposure. It seems like small spots or lesions on the face, back of the neck, ear, scalps, forehead, upper arms and hands, all these are common locations of keratosis. it is also called solar keratosis. It can cause in any age although particularly in young age. the sign and symptoms of keratosis includes small red and white bumps with itching (sometimes). It also cause skin dry and rough. It become worse in winters with itch, dry and rough skin due to low humidity.
Pediculosis: Its an infestation of lice- blood feeding ectoparasitic insects of the order Phthiraptera. Include humans, this condition can occur almost in warm blooded animals. Even though "Pediculosis" in humans may properl…Read More
Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a long-lasting inflammatory disease. It can be initiated by ascertain environmental triggers. A predisposition for this disorder is inherited genes. It is identify by the skin cells that multiply up t…Read More
Photoallergy: Basically photoallergy is kind of an allergic reaction which is caused by the drug reaction with skin protiens and UV lights to create a substance (antigen) in the bloodstream that causes photoallergy or allerg…Read More
Jock Itch
Jock Itch: This is a fungal infection like ringworm. It grows on the top layer of the skin. Mostly it affects to the male athletes because of sweaty workout clothes, wet floors and steamy rooms. Fungal infection best grows i…Read More
Keratosis: keratosis is commonly caused on the fair skinned people due to the sun exposure. It seems like small spots or lesions on the face, back of the neck, ear, scalps, forehead, upper arms and hands, all these are com…Read More
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